Posted inAugust 8, 1994: Glitz and growth take a major hit in Santa Fe

… and invoked for salmon, against grazing

In the battle to save the northern spotted owl, environmental groups have brandished the Endangered Species Act as a sword to halt logging. Now they are using the controversial law against grazing, for the sake of another threatened species – Snake River chinook salmon. In July, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco […]

Posted inMarch 7, 1994: Pay as you waste, says EPA

Groups are wary of aluminum companies bearing gifts

Are Northwest aluminum companies, intent on diverting attention from salmon-killing dams, offering bribes to environmental groups to join frivolous suits against the fishing industry? Some environmentalists think so. Last spring, aluminum companies filed a federal suit to block commercial fishing in the lower Columbia River, claiming the fishing was wiping out too many threatened chinook […]

Posted inFebruary 21, 1994: Draining the budget to desalt the Colorado

Ideological schism leads to a personal feud

Randal O’Toole and Jeffrey St. Clair aren’t exactly household names. But tree-huggers know the pair as former publisher and editor of Forest Watch, a now-defunct national monthly. It folded last August after a decade covering the West’s national forests. Forest Watch had been an especially reliable source of information on the crisis in the Northwest […]