We are both sad and happy to announce the departure of Carl Segerstrom, our Spokane-based assistant editor. Sad because Carl is an incredibly productive and wide-ranging journalist: Since he joined HCN as an intern in 2018, he has tackled economic inequality, explored the West’s unique and fragile ecology, and challenged long-held assumptions about the conservation and climate-action movements. On Jan. 6, in just two days, he wrote a thought-provoking piece on the links between Western extremism and the Capitol insurrection. We’re happy, though, because Carl is joining the Local Inland Northwest Cooperative, which is revitalizing the Spokane area’s food system. He wrote a lovely feature about LINC last year. We wish him well.
On June 4, Executive Director Greg Hanscom and Philanthropy Director Alyssa Pinkerton gathered in Denver for our final 50th anniversary celebration and fundraiser. “The West Illuminated,” featuring Native American law pioneer John Echohawk, poet Claudia Castro Luna, and a gaggle of HCN editors and writers, attracted more than 600 viewers, who contributed a combined $125,000. Wow! We are deeply grateful to this community for supporting independent journalism for the West. You can watch the event on YouTube. And it’s never too late to donate!
Email High Country News at editor@hcn.org or submit a letter to the editor.
This article appeared in the print edition of the magazine with the headline Bittersweet departures and celebrations.