We’ve finally reached the tree line on the climb toward our $10 million 50th Anniversary Campaign goal. The view is great, but we need a final burst of energy to make the summit and bring this homegrown operation into the modern age of news production.
Readers like you have already contributed more than $6 million in donations and pledges, and we’ve wasted no time in investing your generous gifts in our $10 million vision for HCN’s future. Thank you!
But the job isn’t finished. We still need funds to rebuild our website to draw in new readers, to strengthen our team of editorial staff and freelancers, and to keep our business model strong for the decades ahead.
The pandemic has slowed our progress, so we’ve extended the campaign until June 4, when we’ll have a culminating online celebration and paddle-raiser. Please join us! To register: hcne.ws/west-illuminated
Your investment is solid because High Country News is in this for the long haul. For 50 years, we have passionately pursued honest, on-the-ground journalism for the West and all its inhabitants. Today, especially, we serve as a critical antidote to the misinformation that divides our region.
Please join us as we stride toward the pinnacle of our mission. Donate today and invest in independent journalism for the West you love.
1. Deeper and more comprehensive coverage of the West. STARTED. We’ve hired a features editor and a photo editor. Now we need to attract, hire and retain more of the region’s best writers and visual journalists.
2. A larger and broader audience. STARTED.
We’ve hired HCN’s first bona fide marketing team and begun working to reach a bigger, broader and younger audience.
3. Stabilize and sustain HCN’s business model. STARTED.
We’ve deepened our financial reserves and hired a charitable giving
advisor to secure sustaining gifts.
4. Technology to support a modern news organization. STARTED.
We have improved our customer service database, but still need to modernize our website, social media, e-newsletters and cyber protection tools.
5. Establish an endowment for our Intern and Fellow Program. STARTED. We’ve received more than $1.3 million toward our $5 million goal to increase pay and expand the number of participants in the program — starting now.
For more information or to discuss other ways to give, contact Alyssa Pinkerton, Paul Larmer or Clara Fecht at development@hcn.org
This article appeared in the print edition of the magazine with the headline Take us to the top.