The artist George Quaintance painted some of the first erotic depictions of denim.
Confetti Westerns
Confetti Westerns is a column by Miles Griffis that explores the queer natural and cultural histories of the American Southwest.
What a 9,000-mile butterfly migration taught me about queer survival
‘Painted ladies’ go through extraordinary journeys, kindred to that of many LTBTQ+ people.
Learning how to live and die with long COVID
The late artist David Wojnarowicz’s work has brought me back from the dead.
The desert’s Radical Faeries
How a gathering of gay men in the Sonoran Desert started a worldwide movement rooted in nature.
How the New Mexico whiptail became a gay icon
All members of the lizard species are female and reproduce asexually through a process called parthenogenesis.
What the gray jay taught me about myself
The authenticity and playfulness of the naughty, queer bird is something to celebrate.
The flamboyance of wildflowers
My Pansy Craze Expedition commemorated an important era of queer culture before it was trampled like a super bloom.