How a former Marine found a road to repair.
Where horses roam, sage grouse struggle
A new study shows the imperiled bird declines as free-roaming horses exceed the land’s capacity.
Underground seed banks hold promise for ecological restoration
Indigenous science is using natural regeneration to restore Western
The West is losing 1.3 million acres of sagebrush steppe each year
A new report aims to advance transforming rangeland conservation across 13 states and 115 million acres.
Latest: Sagebrush conservation efforts are failing
A new report says weeds and wildfire are major threats to sagebrush habitat.
Latest: Feds plan sagebrush survey
The data could provide a blueprint for science-based decisions.
The Endangered Species Act’s biggest experiment
Will an unprecedented collaborative effort and lots of tax dollars be enough to finally save sage grouse?
Photographs of the sagebrush sea
Review of ‘Sage Spirit: The American West at a Crossroads’ by Dave Showalter.
Student essay: Lost and found in the sagebrush
Editor’s note: This is a runner-up essay from our annual student essay contest. This year’s theme was “How I Became a Westerner.” Learn more about student subscription offers here. Artemisia tridentata. Commonly known as sagebrush, it’s seen as ugly, a terribly widespread eyesore — a dead-looking, twisted piece of scraggly shrubbery that fills the landscape […]