To meet the crisis of our time and help address past wrongs, we need bold action from decision makers.
Pay wildland firefighters a living wage
To reimagine our relationship with wildfire, we must recognize the real value of federal wildland firefighters — and compensate them accordingly.
Voters from both parties want enduring public lands protection
Opinion: The Biden administration has made progress protecting lands that belong to all Americans. But there’s more to be done.
Spring on Alaska’s Unuk River shouldn’t mean fighting for our way of life
Transboundary-mining pollution threatens our sovereign rights.
Remove dams to fight the climate crisis
Ten reasons bringing down these barriers are key for mitigation and adaptation.
Recover the redwoods landscape
Not only do the great trees offer resilience to climate change and shelter abundant biodiversity, but they are magic.
Interior’s plan won’t solve the Colorado River crisis. Here’s what will.
What if farmers competed with one another to cut water consumption?
(Not) one nation, under God
To truly become a more equal society, look to our youth, the ‘nones.’
Reconsidering Wilma Mankiller
As the Cherokee Nation’s first female chief’s image is minted onto a coin, her full humanity should be examined.
Conservation groups should be able to lease land to protect it
‘Use it or lose it’ rules can bias public-land management in favor of extraction.
Harry Reid’s legacy will be remembered on the land
A reflection on what endures after the death of the longtime senator from Nevada.
Religious gatekeeping in red-rock country
A resort capitalizes on a nearby Yavapai-Apache religious site despite having no meaningful relationship with the tribe.
The lack of diversity in outdoor rec is systematic and disconcerting
I want people of color to feel called to reclaim natural spaces.
Colorado River water shortages highlight the urgency of reducing water waste
Conservation, water reuse and better irrigation technology all make more sense than proposed water pipelines.
The threat of wildfire in the West arrives alongside tourists
In Mammoth Lakes, California, residents are still anxious from the 2020 fire season.
Solving the West’s housing crisis
We need to care for the priced-out average worker or something is bound to break.
Mass shootings are a product of America’s violent culture
The bloodthirsty legacies of settler-colonialism and Western expansion endure today.
Put unemployed miners and drillers back to work in restoration
There’s economic development in reclaiming coal mines and plugging idled wells.