South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who was banned from nine tribal reservations, will oversee policies uniquely important to Indigenous people.
‘Esto se trata de poder’: Los inmigrantes indígenas se enfrentan a una segunda administración de Trump
La gobernadora de Dakota del Sur, Kristi Noem, a quien se le prohibió la entrada a nueve reservas tribales, supervisará las políticas de importancia única para los pueblos indígenas.
The fatal flaw in the Border Patrol’s rescue program
The Missing Migrant Program is meant to prevent deaths. Instead, it may be causing them.
La falla fatal en las operaciones de rescate de la Patrulla Fronteriza
La agencia tiene la tarea de salvar a migrantes en peligro pero puede estar empeorando las cosas.
Pollution knows no borders
A long-awaited agreement will address Canadian mine waste flowing downriver into Montana
and Idaho.
Spring on Alaska’s Unuk River shouldn’t mean fighting for our way of life
Transboundary-mining pollution threatens our sovereign rights.
A border need not be a wall
An immigration journalist on confronting laws and encountering humanity.
A cartography of loss in the Borderlands
Mexicali’s Colorado River Family Album documents what is no more.
New DNA technique could bring closure for families of missing and murdered Indigenous people
But experts say this risks DNA sovereignty.
Defending the Tijuana Estuary
Stewardship saved a Southern California estuary from development. Climate change is the next challenge.
As migration routes shift toward New Mexico, so does death
Migrant deaths in the state have jumped from 2 to 109 in a few years.
Report finds Arizona 911 dispatchers fail to help lost migrants
Pima County emergency services engage in ‘unconstitutional and abusive practices’ on the border, a humanitarian group says.
The National Park Service’s efforts to protect Quitobaquito Springs almost destroyed it
‘Indigenous presence is vital to the stewardship of the land.’
How northern Mexico became a climate migration destination
U.S. and Central American immigrants are converging in Baja California after disasters.
As extreme weather outpaces response, could crowdsourced data help?
Tijuana’s Citizens’ Flood Monitor offers a model for data collection in the flood-affected West.
Cómo usar datos de colaboración colectiva para repensar los desastres naturales
El Monitor Ciudadano de Inundaciones de Tijuana puede servir como modelo para la colección de datos en el oeste estadounidense impactado por las inundaciones.
Does California’s Friendship Park need a taller border wall?
Advocates protest plans for reconstruction of the barrier at the binational meeting point.
Researchers solve one of the Borderlands’ biggest water puzzles
Officially, the U.S. and Mexico share 11 groundwater basins. A new map bumps that figure up to a stunning 72.
A year in the Borderlands: The biggest stories from 2022
With a little help from our friends, HCN untangles the complexities of the U.S.-Mexico border.
The environmental consequences of Gov. Ducey’s rogue ‘border wall’
Slicing across Arizona’s Coronado National Forest, the barrier will stop more migrating mammals than humans.