South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who was banned from nine tribal reservations, will oversee policies uniquely important to Indigenous people.
‘Esto se trata de poder’: Los inmigrantes indígenas se enfrentan a una segunda administración de Trump
La gobernadora de Dakota del Sur, Kristi Noem, a quien se le prohibió la entrada a nueve reservas tribales, supervisará las políticas de importancia única para los pueblos indígenas.
Who voted in the 2024 election?
Many Democrats stayed home, while independents swung to the right.
Felonious furries, bunches of bats, a coyote commune and pumpkin paddlers
Mishaps and mayhem from around the region.
Legal weed entrepreneurs promised a windfall from tribal lands. Then it fell apart.
The Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone are still picking up the pieces from the failed cannabis cultivation venture.
Why did Nevada vote to ban slavery, when California didn’t?
Both states require incarcerated people to work — often for critical and dangerous jobs.
Western voters reject ranked-choice voting
The alternative electoral system has many benefits, but public opinion remains mixed.
Key Senate and House races remain uncalled across the West
A dramatic shift by Latino voters toward Trump helped create a red wave.
On the road with Latino organizers in the swing states of the West
In Nevada and Arizona, Latinos make up nearly a third of all voters. What are they thinking this election year?
El voto indeciso latino
De gira con organizadores en Arizona y Nevada.
What the Bundy Bunkerville standoff foreshadowed
Ten years after the impasse between the Bundy family and the BLM, the doctrine of white oppression is widely embraced.
The downballot issues driving the West’s 2024 elections
From climate and public lands to shifting political allegiances, the region faces critical choices at the ballot box.
What to make of land art in the era of LandBack
‘City,’ a massive outdoor sculpture in Nevada, took Michael Heizer 50 years to make. Today, it is met with a mixture of scrutiny and awe.
Arizona and Nevada edge toward Harris and Walz
The Democratic ticket is hitting home in Western swing states with young, minority and independent voters.
Grabbing public land in the name of housing
Have politicians finally found a way to take public land out of the public’s hands?
When the end of the road brings a new beginning
Two accomplished new novels by Joe Wilkins and Willy Vlautin feature weathered protagonists called back from the brink.
Endangered wildflower threatened by Nevada lithium mine
Tiehm’s buckwheat is found nowhere else in the world, and the planned mine would sit square in its habitat.
$350M in federal land sales likely to benefit Nevada public lands and wildlife
See what projects are expected to get the funding.
Parques y vida silvestre en Nevada se podrían beneficiar gracias a ventas de tierras federales
El estado espera recibir un ingreso proveniente de la Ley de Administración de Tierras Públicas del Sur de Nevada.
Water inequality on the Colorado River
A new accounting reveals deep disparities in Western water consumption.