For many in the county, recovery requires a new lease, a new landlord, new schools and possibly a new state.
With so many displaced by fires, Los Angeles County can’t accurately measure homelessness
The county was supposed to conduct an annual tally of people experiencing homelessness this month. Then disaster struck.
How the Park City ski patrol won concessions from Vail
As patrollers and management reach an agreement, other ski patrols are learning from Park City’s example.
Unhoused people pay a disproportionate price for the West’s deadly roads
People experiencing homelessness are more likely to die from transportation-related injuries than the general population.
Can land repair the nation’s racist past?
California’s approach to Black reparations shifts toward land access, ownership and stewardship.
The California Forever debate moves underground
A billionaire-backed company will continue sowing support, while residents weigh their options.
How carbon removal can help curb wildfires and build houses
Local governments in the Four Corners back homegrown carbon-removal projects.
As cities enact camping bans, where will California’s unhoused population go?
The number of people experiencing homelessness vastly exceeds the number of available shelter beds in the state.
A silicon revival in the West
Is the region ready to produce the world’s most advanced technology?
Grabbing public land in the name of housing
Have politicians finally found a way to take public land out of the public’s hands?
Supreme Court gives cities and towns power to criminalize homelessness
The Oregon case has been closely watched by Western cities and states.
When a landslide blocks your commute
The Teton Pass collapse highlights the importance — and growing vulnerability — of mountain roads.
California’s homelessness and climate crises leave unhoused communities vulnerable to floods
Seeking shelter, people are living in flood control channels and other flood-prone places.
Denver’s new immigration plan, explained
The new program caps shelter stays for all new immigrants but expands services for 800 asylum seekers.
Denver lanza programa de asistencia para solicitantes de asilo
El nuevo programa busca brindar apoyo a 800 recién llegados, pero cortará recursos para los demas.
Desert Subdivision: The paradox of naming a development after Edward Abbey
A Moab housing development named for the author of ‘Desert Solitaire’ sparks debate over Abbey’s legacy and growth in a delicate ecosystem.
Bozeman’s boom depends on immigrants but struggles to support them
One of the nation’s fastest-growing cities relies on a vulnerable population of workers to fuel its economic explosion.
Satirizing gentrification in ‘The Curse’
Avant-garde entertainment’s new topic of interest: urban transformation in the American Southwest.
What rural homelessness looks like
The lessons learned after spending months embedded with unhoused communities in Oregon.
Could building on public land address the housing crisis?
The West has a plethora of land and a shortage of houses. Some are wondering if a solution lies within.