Properties classified ‘agricultural’ get a tax break despite no bona fide operations. Can lawmakers’ new proposals tighten qualifications?
Who’s against wind development in ‘The Crazies’?
Amy Gamerman’s new book examines attempts to block the energy transition in Montana’s Crazy Mountains.
A mixed report for Colorado’s wolves
Nine months after reintroduction, 13 wolves now reside in the state – with more to be released in 2025.
What to make of land art in the era of LandBack
‘City,’ a massive outdoor sculpture in Nevada, took Michael Heizer 50 years to make. Today, it is met with a mixture of scrutiny and awe.
When grasshoppers attack
Is the cure for grasshopper outbreaks worse than the disease?
Federal grazing lands fail their checkup
Fifty-seven million acres of BLM land fall short of health standards.
Managing predators from the sky
How to harness drones for conservation.
Cattle are drinking the Colorado River dry
Balancing Western water demand and supply will alter the region’s landscape.
Is it cowboy poetry if it’s not written by a cowboy?
An event protesting the cowboy poetry festival faces questions of growth and authenticity.
Can coexistence with wolves be bought?
When Colorado voted for wolf reintroduction, it also mandated compensation for ranchers. The hard part: figuring out the details.
Paws on the ground: How Colorado got its wolves back
Five wolves were released in remote western Colorado yesterday, marking the beginning of an ambitious reintroduction program.
What Montana’s independent ranchers need to survive: customers
Small-scale processing is on the rise, but ranchers still need buyers’ buy-in.
Outrage, disinformation and threats rise up in Wyoming around a BLM land plan
Is there a new Sagebrush Rebellion flaring in the Cowboy State?
Los peligros del pastoreo
Trabajadores con visas H-2A sufren en su mayoría precariedad laboral mientras sostienen a la industria ovina del Oeste de EE.UU.
The dark side of America’s sheep industry
Sheepherders face wage theft, isolation, hunger and alleged abuse.
The state of tribal co-management of public lands
As National Public Lands Day approaches, Indigenous leaders discuss working with agencies to manage dispossessed lands.
Conservation groups sue BLM for rangeland degradation
The lawsuit alleges the agency isn’t conducting environmental assessments before renewing grazing permits.
Public lands had a roller coaster month
Rounding up the Biden administration’s ups and downs on land policy.
Why has Alaska given an uninhabited, remote island to feral cattle?
Chirikof Island belongs to cows despite habitat loss being one of the biggest issues facing wild animals.
Why you should care about the farm bill
The legislation affects hunger, food security and climate — and it begins expiring next month.