President-elect Trump, a Republican-dominated Congress and Utah launch an all-out assault on environmental protection.
2024’s biggest conservation wins for the West
There were glimmers of good news across the region, from restored habitats to growing wildlife populations.
Get to know the Pacific brant
Tech advances are transforming knowledge and conservation of North America’s favorite goose.
Where horses roam, sage grouse struggle
A new study shows the imperiled bird declines as free-roaming horses exceed the land’s capacity.
The future of New Mexico’s beloved bosque
In a warmer, drier climate, restoration has its limits.
Migrating birds find refuge in pop-up habitats
A program that pays rice farmers to create wetland habitats is a rare conservation win.
Where have all the swifties gone?
This September, a beloved annual bird migration left Portlanders hanging.
What happens to birds when it’s smoky outside?
A community science initiative along the West Coast is using volunteer observations to study the effect of wildfire smoke on birds.
Wilson’s phalarope to the rescue
A new Endangered Species Act petition could trigger major conservation actions to save the West’s saline lakes.
In search of the continent’s largest shorebird
The elusive long-billed curlew finds refuge in fragmented grasslands.
$350M in federal land sales likely to benefit Nevada public lands and wildlife
See what projects are expected to get the funding.
Killing one owl to save another
Is it ever the right thing to do? Two ethicists weigh in.
Bird-naming brouhahas, buggy burritos and a goat-milking meetup
Mishaps and mayhem from around the region.
Wildlife habitat and tribal cultures threatened by Washington’s largest wind farm
The newly approved renewable energy project is planned across an eco-corridor and ceremonial sites.
Climate change is happening too fast for migrating birds
The early bird would get the worm, but migration timing isn’t matching green-up.
How the Colville Tribes are restoring traditional lands and wildlife
The tribes are re-establishing native species wiped out by systematic colonization.
Fire is driving animals’ evolution
Can species evolve fast enough to keep up with changing wildfire conditions?
(Re)name that bird! Now’s your chance
The American Ornithological Society is renaming dozens of birds and wants the public’s help.
Defending the Tijuana Estuary
Stewardship saved a Southern California estuary from development. Climate change is the next challenge.
Environmental groups sue Utah over crisis at the Great Salt Lake
Plaintiffs invoke the public trust doctrine to restore the lake to a healthy level.