It’s taken 10 years for the states to reach an agreement, but it may not be the end of the water conflict.
Caroline Tracey
Caroline Tracey is a journalist who covers the Southwestern U.S., Mexico and the Borderlands. In 2022-2023, she was High Country News’ Climate Justice Fellow. She lives in Tucson, Arizona. @ce_tracey
How a volunteer trash pickup club tackles housing and climate justice
LA’s Echo Park Trash Club supports its unhoused neighbors by helping them stay in place.
The West’s hottest county is also its most Latino
Some places in Imperial County, California, experienced 117 days above 100 degrees this year.
‘Estás viviendo en una lata’
En Arizona, los residentes de casas rodantes son más propensos a morir de calor excesivo.
‘You’re living in a tin can’
Arizona’s mobile-home residents are far more likely to die from excessive heat.
How a medical examiner’s office transformed to address migrant death
Amid a shortage of forensic pathologists, Arizona’s Pima County has identified thousands of those who lost their lives in the Borderlands.
Utah’s youth climate activists held a funeral for the Great Salt Lake
‘Even though we’re the ones speaking up, the only landscape we know is something dead.’
Conserve groundwater. Fallow farmland. Increase dust?
A new study warns that California’s groundwater regulations could create more dust, worsening already poor air quality.
Scientists unravel the origins of the Southwest’s monsoon
But just as their understanding of the phenomena becomes mores clear, it’s starting to disappear.
Can Arizona citizens use the tools of democracy to preserve the state’s dwindling water?
How a group of ‘scrappy’ locals are working to create Arizona’s first citizen-initiated groundwater management area.
Conservation wisdom from the radical center
Review of ‘Stitching the West Back Together: Conservation of Working Landscapes.’
The world of the speed artist
The FlamethrowersRachel Kushner400 pages, hardcover: $26.99.Scribner, 2013. Reno, the 22-year-old protagonist of Rachel Kushner’s second novel, The Flamethrowers, makes her first appearance as she flies across Nevada on her way to Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats in the 1970s. “The land was drained of color and specificity,” she observes. “The faster I went, the more connected […]