Sheepherders face wage theft, isolation, hunger and alleged abuse.
Revisiting the Rock Springs Massacre
In 1885, white coal miners in Wyoming Territory, murdered at least 28 Chinese men and ran the rest of the Chinese out of town at gunpoint. These artworks bring that history back to the present.
Wildlife and the inescapable impact of road noise
The ‘blab of the pave’ disrupts animals’ lives everywhere, even in national parks.
Oregon’s Greater Idaho movement echoes a long history of racism in the region
Instead of fixing Oregon, the Greater Idaho movement seeks to leave it. White supremacists are on board.
‘We have fire all around us and we can’t get out’
What happened when two experienced hikers got caught in the Bolt Creek Fire.
In the Northern Rockies, grizzly bears are on the move
As grizzlies recover, they’re no longer content to roam within the boundaries contrived for them.
‘The fight for our lives’: Arizona’s water regime limits the Hopi Tribe’s future
A 45-year legal saga leaves the tribe fighting for their economic ambitions through water access.
Decades after the Colorado River flooded the Chemehuevi’s land, the tribe still doesn’t have its share
Nearly all of the tribe’s water remains in the river and ends up being used by Southern California cities.
The Trojan horse of Native theater
Larissa FastHorse’s ‘The Thanksgiving Play’ made Broadway history. That’s a good thing — right?
How Arizona squeezes tribes for water
A High Country News/ProPublica investigation shows that Arizona goes to unusual lengths in water negotiations to extract restrictive concessions from tribes.
The many legacies of Letitia Carson
An effort to memorialize the homestead of one of Oregon’s first Black farmers illuminates the land’s complicated history.
The artist and the harpooner
In Micah McCarty’s art, the past and future are one, and the whales never left.
Tenacious specimens of the Grand Canyon
In the 1930s, two women risked their lives to record a scientific survey of the region’s plants.
A deadly disease stalks deer and elk. Do predators help or hurt?
In the Rockies, chronic wasting disease can devastate herds; scientists are looking for solutions.
‘Gold in the hills, but not for us’
Scenes from California’s backyard petroculture.
The 90-foot sentinel of Butte, Montana
What does a statue dedicated to mothers reveal about women’s rights?
Tending a remnant of home
How a glass shelf connected a woman to what mattered most.
Can dam removal save the Snake River?
See the river as the climate changes, development continues and consequences grow with inaction.
An expedition through Kim Stringfellow’s Mojave
The artist’s transmedia project highlights the vitality of the desert’s many histories.