Scarcely anyone objected in 1996, when Congress authorized the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to charge the public new or increased fees for accessing its own land to fish, hunt, boat, drive, park, camp or walk. After all, it was going to be an experiment […]
Public Lands
Driven to fight
A retired BLM special agent finds herself battling the very agency she once worked for
Energy illusions
A new report seems to show that more land is off-limits to energy exploration, but appearances can be deceiving
Is the great federal land debate over?
Every decade or so, people push the idea of selling off big chunks of public land or transferring that land to state ownership and management. Outside of small parcels, it has never happened, probably because most of us support leaving public lands in federal hands. With the recent pronouncements of Idaho’s own Dirk Kempthorne, now […]
Change comes slowly to Escalante country
In the BLM’s showcase monument, local grudges and national politics create a nasty quagmire.
Grazing foes float a buyout
But will ranchers and Congress buy in?
Showdown on the Nevada range
Ranchers trespass on public lands, says the BLM
Monuments caught in the crosshairs
Will Clinton’s designations crumble under Republican attacks?
People for the USA! disbands
The wise-use movement’s shrillest voice goes silent, but the spirit lives on
Beauty and the Beast
The president’s new monument forces southern Utah to face its tourism future.
1996: Clinton takes a 1.7 million-acre stand in Utah
A Bold Stroke: Clinton takes a 1.7 million-acre stand in Utah
Ranchers arrested at wildlife refuge
The arrest of rancher Dwight Hammond for running cattle on a wildlife refuge provokes a wise-use backlash in Oregon.
A one-man Sagebrush Rebellion
A Nevada rancher refuses to pay more than $25,000 in fines to the BLM.